Environmental care is one of the guiding principles of Livar’s operation; we are focused on reducing the burden on the environment at the sources of pollution, while cooperating with suppliers in the development of environment-friendly materials.

Livar has so far received two awards for achievements in the field of efficient energy use. In cooperation with the National Institute of Biology, Livar has built a constructed wetland at the Suhi Most inert foundry waste disposal site.

We demonstrate our environmental commitment through the company’s environmental policy, the international ISO 140001 standard, and the environmental permit issued by the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia.

We have opened a hotline (»Green phone«, no. +386 (0)1-786-99-39) for citizens wishing to express their comments, commendations or opinions regarding the impact of the Livar company on the environment.

At Livar, our guiding principle is that we shall care for our living and working environment at all times. We are endeavouring to keep the environmental impacts resulting from our activities within the legally prescribed and other requirements, and shall devote our best efforts to reducing these impacts to the lowest possible level.

This will be achieved by observing the following principal orientations:

  • CONTINUOUS OBSERVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION AND OTHER REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS related to environmental management and our activities, and the fulfilment of requirements of local communities in the region where a particular facility is located.
  • PREVENTION OF POLLUTION AND EXTRAORDINARY EVENTS by permanent supervision and continuous improvements of our processes.
  • CONCERN FOR A CLEAN AND SOUND ENVIRONMENT by the introduction of new technologies according to the requirements of reference documents, by regular maintenance of facilities and by ensuring their proper functioning.
  • RATIONAL USE OF NATURAL SOURCES of electricity, raw materials, water,..
  • RECYCLING of residual heat (heating) and wastes.
  • CONCERN FOR OUR WASTES by reducing their formation in our production process and providing sites for their harmless disposal.

It is important for Livar’s employees, suppliers and all those working on behalf of Livar to be aware how they can, through their work, have a favourable or unfavourable impact on the environment and how such impacts can be reduced.

Our environmental policy is always available to all interested parties (the public) for inspection.

Livar’s management shall regularly monitor the preparation and implementation of all planned campaigns for the achievement of goals and programmes, and support and encourage an awareness of the need for continuous improvement and reduction of environmental pollution.