We invite you to contact us if you have any question about our range of products and services by using our contact form or the phone numbers specified below.

Contact form

    Your Name (*)

    Your Email (*)


    Your Message (*)



    General information:
    Phone: +386 (0)1 786-99-00
    Email: info@livar.si

    Secretariat of the Board:
    Phone: +386 (0)1 786-99-80

    Sales Department:
    Phone: +386 (0)41 486-109
    Purchasing Department:
    Phone: +386 (0)51 410-710
    Finance and Accounting:
    Phone: +386 (0)1 786-99-74
    Quality Department:
    Phone: +386 (0)51 686-429
    Environmental Management:
    Phone: +386 (0)41 860-177
    Human Resources, Legal and Corporate Development:
    Phone: +386 (0)31 313 341
    Development and Technology:
    Phone: +386 (0)65 556-069
    Livar Črnomelj Production Unit:
    Phone: +386 (0)41 657-726


    janez bizjak livar 2016 es

    Janez Bizjak

    Key Account Manager

    Janez.BIZJAK(at)livar.si   m:+386 (0)41 486 109

    jozica legan livar 2016 es

    Jožica Legan

    Key Account Manager

    Jozica.LEGAN(at)livar.si   t:+386 (0)1 786 99 71


    Where we are